“…Figure , panel d is the simulated free electron density in the cross-section of a 0.5D ZnO nanomaterial based on eq , in which electron density is not uniform but higher in the core and lower close to the outer surface. While the excited electron density can be written as where N C is total electrons number generated per square meter, V is the material volume, A is the photo illuminated area, η is the quantum efficiency, I d is the light illumination intensity, λ is the light wavelength, h is the Boltzmann constant, and c is the light speed in vacuum. Therefore, by combining eqs and , in which only nanomaterial’s height h rod and illumination light intensity I d are variables, a 3D contour plot of the photoinduced electron density as a function of light intensity and materials height can be calculated as shown in Figure , panel e. Obviously, the result based on the new model fits the C-AFM characterization well.…”