Can we test QED? Is it true? We are the only group to test QED in Australia and have just had a breakthrough reported in Physics Today. This was an international team effort and doctoral thesis work but also with contributions from an Honours/Masters student. 2. How can we get structural information from an isolated quantum system-molecule, gas or non-crystalline solid? We have been the world leaders in extracting structural and quantum information from atomic, molecular and organometallic (i.e. biophysical) systems with advanced experiments and analysis, advancing the techniques used by more than 30% of all synchrotron researchers across the world. 3. Can I develop or invent a new field of physics? Yes but probably not in Masters! Recent doctoral students have developed new fields of non-destructive nanoroughness measurement; and electron inelastic scattering (mean free path) experiment and theory; or made major developments in dominant fields of X-ray science or relativistic Quantum Mechanics. • Facilities: X-ray labs; Synchrotrons around the world & Melbourne; EBIT labs around the world. Our local laboratories develop new technology in-house, & ask fundamental questions about the universe & matter. • Two honours students (2005) produced 3 major papers from honours (one high profile Phys. Lett.). Three honours students (2006) got the best experimental thesis in the School (Ramm Prize), and one of the top 3 theory theses. Both students in 2008 got top marks in theory and experiment. These great results reflect on them, the potential of the field & our group. Martin de Jonge was awarded the Chancellor's Prize (best Doctoral Thesis at Melbourne University), 'Best Synchrotron Thesis in Australia', flew off to an exciting career at the Advanced Photon Source (Chicago) & has now returned to get first light on the Australian Synchrotron on a key beamline. We receive national & international awards for group achievements. Our experiments are two orders of magnitude more accurate than all earlier publications in the field. 1 This has opened up exciting new opportunities & opened our eyes to new phenomena and new ways of testing earlier assumptions. Our experiments have been the first to measure scattering 2 & synchrotron bandwidth in photoabsorption experiments, have redefined the international standards for (powder) diffraction 3 , and have placed the field of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) on an absolute footing for the first time. Our relativistic atomic theory and tabulation 4 is the most successful currently available in terms of agreement with experiment. Theory must be based on condensed matter physics near absorption edges to explain detailed oscillations, which in turn raises new questions. Honours students have developed new theory & computational tools for condensed matter science, including the first extended XAFS solution avoiding 'muffin-tin' approximations 5 & the largest (organometallic) XAFS modelled without this assumption, 6 with major implications for biological