Random and structured packings were studied with varying bed
depths in the regenerator and
the dehumidifier of a solar-assisted liquid-desiccant system. The
slopes of the log−log plots of
mass-transfer rate vs solution flow rate were found to be close to 0.8,
which indicated that the
conditions for the liquid phase were turbulent for the operating
conditions in both contactors.
The small intercepts obtained for the Wilson plots indicated that
the gas-phase mass-transfer
resistance was negligible compared to the liquid-phase mass-transfer
resistance. Liquid-phase
mass-transfer coefficients for the packed bed alone were obtained by
separating the contributions
of the other mass-transfer regions in the contactors. The random
packing mass transfer
coefficients varied from 0.48 to 2 mol/(s m2), while the
double-layer, structured packing mass-transfer coefficients varied from 0.018 to 0.035 mol/(s m2).
These mass-transfer coefficients were
converted into a dimensionless form, utilizing experimentally obtained
diffusivity values.