l; is the critical current, V rf the amplitude of the RF voltage, I n the nth order Bessel function, and I; the external frequency. The corresponding step voltage V n is given by the well-known Josephson voltage-frequency relation: rent step mode [6]. Zero current steps are microwaveinduced constant voltage steps, generated at the part of a highly hysteretic current-voltage characteristic of a tunnel junction that is close enough to the zero current axis of the current-voltage characteristic for the steps to cross this axis. The current width dIn of the nth zero current step is twice the absolute value of the Bessel function for a conventional microwave-induced step of the same voltage:In spite of the normal spread of the junction parameters occurring in junction fabrication processes, the current width and the position of such steps in the characteristic allow the biasing of a series array with a considerable number of tunnel junctions to a high voltage with only one current source at zero or near-zero bias current.Although they showed encouraging results, early experiments were restricted in the number of junctions and did not satisfy all the required conditions [7]-[9]. The best results published at that time were 0.6 mV per junction for an array reference voltage of 35 mV (see [8]).In order to supply stable reference voltages of about 1 mV per junction, a series array must meet two conditions: 1) it must be part of a microwave circuit that provides each junction of the array with the same amount of microwave power; 2) the junction chosen parameters must be suitable for establishing a stable phase lock between the driving RF current and the Josephson RF current, [6], [7], [10]; to avoid the chaotic regime, the frequency of the external oscillator must be larger than the plasma frequencies h of all array junctions. The condition h =~I.has been estimated from simulations to be sufficient [11] and has also been experimentally verified. From this restriction on I, and fromAbstract-It is possible to obtain stable reference voltages of more than 1 V for high-precision voltage standards by generating microwave-induced zero current constant voltage steps in the dc characteristic of large series arrays of Josephson tunnel junctions. An array voltage of 1 V can be reproduced within a few parts in 10 10 at room temperature. The current dependence of the step voltage at the I-V level over a stepwidth of 20 flA is less than 7 x 10-13V.