A long history of postmortem studies has provided significant insight into human brain structure and organization. Cadavers have also proven instrumental for the measurement of artifacts and nonneural effects in functional imaging, and more recently, the study of biophysical properties critical to brain stimulation. However, death produces significant changes in the biophysical properties of brain tissues, making an ex vivo to in vivo comparison complex, and even questionable. This study directly compares biophysical properties of electric fields arising from transcranial electric stimulation (TES) in a nonhuman primate brain pre-and postmortem. We show that pre-vs. postmortem, TES-induced intracranial electric fields differ significantly in both strength and frequency response dynamics, even while controlling for confounding factors such as body temperature. Our results clearly indicate that ex vivo cadaver and in vivo measurements are not easily equitable. In vivo examinations remain essential to establishing an adequate understanding of even basic biophysical phenomena in vivo.biophysical | electric field | nonhuman primate T he use of cadavers to study human anatomy has a long history in medicine and science. For the neurosciences, centuries of postmortem examination have provided a fundamental understanding of human brain structure and organization, as well as the effect of a range of disease processes (1). With the advent of powerful in vivo imaging methods (2), the study of cadavers has become less important in modern-day neuroscience research. However, cadavers are still regularly used to examine possible methodological artifacts in brain imaging studies because of the complete absence of neuronal activity with largely preserved anatomical structures (3, 4). Numerous studies have relied on cadavers to establish the conductivity of differing tissue types, with notable discrepancies compared with in vivo measurements (5-8). Similarly, in developing noninvasive transcranial electric stimulation (TES) procedures, some have suggested the use of cadavers for measuring electric fields generated in the brain during stimulation. Such knowledge is crucial to efforts aiming to optimize brain stimulation, whether focusing on the spatial accuracy of stimulation, the magnitude of a dose actually delivered to an individual, or the possible variations in delivery across individuals. The most recent of these gained widespread attention because of its conclusion that TES-induced currents have poor penetration through the scalp and skull (9). These findings seem to reinforce concerns about the effectiveness of current dosing levels (10); however, to understand their implications, it is first important to determine how well cadaver-based conductivity measurements approximate in vivo conditions.Death initiates a cascade of biochemical processes affecting the biophysical properties of body and brain tissues, which can make the generalization from ex vivo results to the in vivo case problematic. However, it is not clear how in...