Entanglement is an important resource that allows quantum technologies to go beyond the classically possible. There are many ways quantum systems can be entangled, ranging from the archetypal two-qubit case to more exotic scenarios of entanglement in high dimensions or between many parties. Consequently, a plethora of entanglement quantifiers and classifiers exist, corresponding to different operational paradigms and mathematical techniques.However, for most quantum systems, exactly quantifying the amount of entanglement is extremely demanding, if at all possible. This is further exacerbated by the difficulty of experimentally controlling and measuring complex quantum states. Consequently, there are various approaches for experimentally detecting and certifying entanglement when exact quantification is not an option, with a particular focus on practically implementable methods and resource efficiency. The applicability and performance of these methods strongly depends on the assumptions one is willing to make regarding the involved quantum states and measurements, in short, on the available prior information about the quantum system. In this review we discuss the most commonly used paradigmatic quantifiers of entanglement. For these, we survey state-of-the-art detection and certification methods, including their respective underlying assumptions, from both a theoretical and experimental point of view.In the early twentieth century, the phenomenon of quantum entanglement rose to prominence as a central feature of the famous thought experiment by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen [1]. Initially disregarded as a mathematical artefact that showcases the incompleteness of quantum theory, the properties of entanglement were largely ignored until 1964, when John Bell famously proposed an experimentally testable inequality able to distinguish between the predictions of quantum mechanics and those of any local-realistic theory [2]. With the advent of the first experimental tests [3], spearheaded by , emerged the realisation that entanglement constitutes a resource for information processing *