The capability to enhance or suppress the nucleation of protein crystals opens opportunities in various fundamental and applied areas, including protein crystallography, production of protein crystalline pharmaceuticals, protein separation, and treatment of protein condensation diseases. Herein, we show that the rate of homogeneous nucleation of lysozyme crystals passes through a maximum in the vicinity of the liquid-liquid phase boundary hidden below the liquidus (solubility) line in the phase diagram of the protein solution. We found that glycerol and polyethylene glycol (which do not specifically bind to proteins) shift this phase boundary and significantly suppress or enhance the crystal nucleation rates, although no simple correlation exists between the action of polyethylene glycol on the phase diagram and the nucleation kinetics. The control mechanism does not require changes in the protein concentration, acidity, and ionicity of the solution. The effects of the two additives on the phase diagram strongly depend on their concentration, which provides opportunities for further tuning of nucleation rates. T he range of interactions between protein molecules in solution is comparable to their size; this range determines the typical phase diagram of protein solutions (1, 2). Similar to colloidal suspensions, in the protein concentration-temperature (C,T) plane, the transition to a higher-concentration solution, liquid-liquid (L-L) phase separation, occurs at lower temperatures than the separation between the solution and the solid phase (e.g., crystals; refs. 3 and 4). Thus, the second liquid phase is metastable. Recent simulations (5) and theory (6) predict that, as the system approaches the critical point for L-L phase separation (C crit ,T crit ), the nucleation barrier ⌬G is reduced, and the rate of crystal nucleation is enhanced. Besides growing density fluctuations, the proposed enhancement mechanisms emphasize wetting of the nucleus surface by the liquid. On further cooling below T crit , the enhancement of nucleation tapers off. Both parts of this prediction have been questioned (7,8). One theory points out that gelation that occurs in a rather broad area around C crit ,T crit (see for instance, ref. 4) arrests all motion in the solution, and no nucleation enhancement should be expected (7). On the other hand, another set of simulations foresee even faster nucleation in the region of L-L demixing beyond the critical point (8). In view of the practical importance of the protein crystal nucleation and the need for a better understanding of the phase behavior of protein solutions, we set out to study experimentally the nucleation kinetics around the L-L separation boundary. We probe not only the region around C crit ,T crit but also the area around the L-L separation boundary at lower protein concentrations. In this way, we test the correlation between nucleation kinetics and L-L separation in a broader range of conditions that may be closer to those in living organisms or to those encountered in laborat...