An inverse Compton scattering diagnostic is currently being developed for an 80 ns, intense relativistic electron bunch with an energy of 19.8 MeV and nominal current of 1.7 kA. The principal purpose of this diagnostic is to provide a measurement of the 6-D phase space distribution of the electron beam in a single shot without disrupting its axial propagation. The electron beam is intercepted by 450 mJ of green light, which is upscattered into the soft X-ray range by the relativistic electrons. The diverging, scattered photons are diffracted onto an X-ray framing camera by an X-ray crystal concentric to the beam pipe utilizing an elongated von Hamos geometry [1]. The experimental configuration is presented, which includes the electron and photon interaction dynamics, crystal design, X-ray framing camera design, and the expected time resolved longitudinal and transverse distributions.