(p, ρ, T) behavior
of a refrigerant mixture of 50.00 mass% R1234yf and 50.00 mass% R290
was measured with the isochoric method. Along the six isochores (60,
121, 305, 500, 550, and 600 kg·m–3), a total
of 40 single-phase (p, ρ, T) data points were obtained at temperatures from 330 to 400 K and
pressures up to 6.6 MPa. In addition, the phase boundary of this mixture
was experimentally investigated by visual observation of the vapor–liquid
meniscus, and a total of 17 saturated densities and the critical parameters
were obtained. Additionally, five saturated densities were also determined
from the inflection points of the isochores. According to the multifluid
approximation approach, a thermodynamic mixture model was formulated
for R1234yf/290 mixtures. The parameters of the mixture model were
determined by fitting the experimental data obtained in this work
and those available in the literature. Expected uncertainties (k = 2) in calculated values with the mixture model are 0.2%
for bubble and dew point pressures, 0.2% for liquid densities, 0.4%
for vapor densities, 1% for saturated liquid and vapor densities,
and 1.5% for isochoric heat capacities in the liquid phase. The mixture
model can also be applied to regions away from the fitted experimental
data with reasonable accuracy because it extrapolates well to higher
temperatures and pressures, and to lower temperatures.