NMR structural studies of nucleic acids require a near complete and unambiguous assignment of the proton resonances. This includes the adenine H2 protons which, especially in B type DNA, are generally far from other protons rendering their assignment cumbersome. In both A and B type nucleic acid helices, the H2 protons are located in the minor grooves where they serve as useful monitors for binding [1]. The conventional assignment method, which relies on NOE's recorded in D 2 O solution, generally does not allow complete assignment of H2 resonances. In practice, these resonances are often assigned from their NOE to imino protons of A•U or A•T base pairs [2,3]. This requires that experiments are carried out in H 2 O and the presence of detectable imino protons whose exchange with the solvent is sufficiently slow. For adenine residues in unpaired regions, other strategies are needed. Oligonucleotides that are 13 C labeled allow magnetization transfer between H2 and H8 protons via common couplings to intervening 13 C nuclei [4,5]. However, this approach is hampered by fast relaxing carbons. Subsequently, triple resonance experiments using [ 13 C, 15 N] labeled oligonucleotides were developed to correlate H2 and H8 protons (H-> 15 N-> 13 C->H) [6,7].. Such schemes feature increased sensitivity but require labeled oligonucleotides and that experiments are recorded in H 2 O. The development of higher sensitivity NMR probes and the use of low artifact gradient enhanced experiments enabled the assignments of H2 and H8 protons at natural abundance using HMBC experiments in D 2 O [8]. This experiment relies on a common heteronuclear long range coupling of both H2 and H8 to C4. However, the inherently low sensitivity requires very long acquisition times and/or high sample concentrations. In D 2 O solution the adenine H2 resonances are readily identified since they appear as narrow singlets with long longitudinal and transverse relaxation times. The long T 1 value is often a nuisance because it limits the repetition rate in many NMR experiments. On the other hand long T 2 values permit the use of pulse sequences with longer durations, which aid detection of even small couplings. Long-range 6 bond homonuclear couplings have been previously reported for polycyclic aromatic systems. [22]. Therefore, we explored if there is a homonuclear coupling between H2 and H8 of adenine that could be exploited.Small coupling constants, particularly when they are on the order of the linewidths, are difficult to measure [18,19,20]. Inspection of adenosine NMR spectra does not provide any obvious support for long-range H2-H8 couplings. Therefore, we used quantum mechanical calculations to predict a long range coupling of -0.18 Hz [15]. However, these calculation also forecast several other non-vanished couplings of H2 to H3′, H5′ and H5″ which are suspect (Figure S1 A). In view of these results, experimental verification is clearly needed. The H2-H8 coupling was assessed using a long-range optimized COSY experiment of adenosine 5′-monophospha...