Abstrac~In today's local networks a significant amount of traffic is caused by Multicast DNS Service Discovery (mONS-SO), a prevalent technique used for coufigm•atiouless service d.istribu tion and discovery. It allows users to offer and use services like device synchronization, file sharing, and chat, when joining a local network without any manual configuration. While this is very convenient, it req uires the public exposure of the offering and requesting identities along with information about the offered and requested services, eve n when services do not need to be public. Some of the information published by the announcements ca n be very revealing, including complete lists of family members. Another problem is the huge amount of multicast traffic caused, which is especially relevant for large WiFi networks. In this paper we present a privacy extension that does not publish private iofonuation and reduces the number of packets se nt while still not requiring any network configuration except for an initial pairing per pair of users. A key feature of our solution is the ease of upgrading existing systems, a must for widespread deployment and acceptance. We developed an implementation based on the open-source Avahi daemon to show the feasibility of our privacy extension. Our solution gra nts tunable privacy and reduces multicast traffic without affecting user experience. l11dex Terms-Privacy, DNS, Multicast, Service Discovery. 1 Public seJvices' operation remains entirely unchanged; private services seem entirely unchanged within the trusted group.