In the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, relativistic runaway electron (RE) generation can occur during the flattop current phase of low density, diverted plasma discharges. Due to the high toroidal magnetic field (B 0 = 5.4 T), RE synchrotron radiation is measured by a wide-view camera in the visible wavelength range (λ ≈ 400-900 nm). In this paper, a statistical analysis of over one thousand camera images is performed to investigate the plasma conditions under which synchrotron emission is observed in C-Mod. In addition, the spatiotemporal evolution of REs during one particular discharge is explored in detail via a thorough analysis of the distortion-corrected synchrotron images. To accurately predict RE energies, the kinetic solver CODE [Landreman et al 2014 Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 847-855] is used to evolve the electron momentum-space distribution at six locations throughout the plasma: the magnetic axis and flux surfaces q = 1, 4/3, 3/2, 2, and 3. These results, along with the experimentally-measured magnetic topology and camera geometry, are input into the synthetic diagnostic SOFT [Hoppe et al 2018 Nucl. Fusion 58 026032] to simulate synchrotron emission and detection. Interesting spatial structure near the surface q = 2 is found to coincide with the onset of a locked mode and increased MHD activity. Furthermore, the RE density profile evolution is fit by comparing experimental to synthetic images, providing important insight into RE spatiotemporal dynamics.