This work describes the first experimental studies of deuterium kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) for the gas-phase E2 reactions of microsolvated systems. The reactions of F Ϫ (H 2 O) n and OH Ϫ (H 2 O) n , where n ϭ 0, 1, with (CH 3 ) 3 CX (X ϭ Cl, Br), as well as the deuterated analogs of the ionic and neutral reactants, were studied utilizing the flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube technique. The E2 reactivity is found to decrease with solvation. Small, normal kinetic isotope effects are observed for the deuteration of the alkyl halide, while moderately inverse kinetic isotope effects are observed for the deuteration of the solvent. Minimal clustering of the product ions is observed, but there are intriguing differences in the nature and extent of the clustering process. Electronic structure calculations of the transition states provide qualitative insight into these microsolvated E2