The zero crossing of the dynamic differential scalar polarizability of the S 1/2 −D 5/2 clock transition in 138 Ba + has been determined to be 459.1614(28) THz. Together with previously determined matrix elements and branching ratios, this tightly constrains the dynamic differential scalar polarizability of the clock transition over a large wavelength range ( 700 nm). In particular it allows an estimate of the blackbody radiation shift of the clock transition at room temperature.PACS numbers: 06.30.Ft, 06.20.fb Singly-ionized barium has been well studied over the years with a wide range of precision measurements [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] that have provided valuable benchmark comparisons for theory [9][10][11][12][13][14]. It was recently proposed that some of these measurements, specifically high accuracy measurements of transition matrix elements and branching ratios, could be used to construct an accurate representation of the dynamic differential scalar polarizability, ∆α 0 (ω) of the S 1/2 −D 5/2 clock transition over a large wavelength range [15]. Crucial to that proposal was a determination of a zero crossing ∆α 0 (ω 0 ) = 0 near 653 nm, which bounds significant contributions to ∆α 0 (ω) from the ultraviolet (uv) spectrum. Here we determine ω 0 with an inaccuracy of a few GHz.To find ω 0 , a linearly polarized laser beam near 653 nm is focussed onto the ion to induce an ac Stark shift of the clock transition and the shift measured as a function of the laser frequency ω. The ac Stark shift, δ s (M J ), induced by the 653-nm laser is given bywhere M J denotes the applicable eigenstate of D 5/2 , α 2 (ω) is the dynamic tensor polarizability of D 5/2 , and θ is angle between the 653-nm laser polarization and the quantization axis. The tensor component can be eliminated by determining the average ac Stark shiftHence, with the laser intensity fixed, δ 0 (ω) is directly proportional to ∆α 0 (ω), which is approximately linear * in a neighbourhood of ω 0 . Consequently, ω 0 can be determined from a linear fit to measurements of δ 0 (ω) as a function of ω with an accuracy limited by the projection noise of the measurements, and a small nonlinearity in ∆α 0 (ω), which can be estimated from theory. Although the laser power is actively stabilized outside the experiment chamber, etaloning effects and uncalibrated frequency response of the detector can give rise to a frequency dependence of the resulting laser intensity at the ion. In addition, pointing stability of the laser can also degrade the accuracy of the ac Stark shift measured at a single frequency. To compensate these effects, one can make use of the weighted average δ 2 (ω) = 25 42 δ s (5/2) − 1 5 δ s (3/2) − 4 5 δ s (1/2)which is a measure of the tensor polarizability. The ratio δ 0 (ω)/δ 2 (ω) is then independent of slow variations in the intensity but has the same zero crossing. In addition, setting θ ≈ π/2 minimizes the influence of magnetic field pointing stability, which would compromise the stability of δ 2 (ω). Measurements are carr...