This study describes the size distribution and concentration of particles expelled by a portable, 3-L ultrasonic humidifier. The ultrasonic humidifier was filled with waters of varying mineral content and hardness. Aerosol size distributions were measured during 8 hours of humidifier operation in a typical bedroom. Humidifiers produced approximately 1.22 × 10 10 -2.50 × 10 10 airborne particles per milliliter of water consumed, resulting in airborne particle concentrations of 3.01-5.91 × 10 4 #/cm 3 , with modes ranging between 109 and 322 nm in diameter. The emission rate of particles varied by water type from 1.02 × 10 9 to 2.27 × 10 9 #/s. Lower mineral waters produced fewer, smaller particles when compared to higher mineral waters. Chemical analyses of particles collected with a cascade impactor indicated that the minerals in emitted particles had the same relative mineral concentrations as the fill water. Our results demonstrate that ultrasonic humidifiers should be considered a source of inhalation exposure to minerals dissolved in water, and that the magnitude of exposure to inhalable particles will vary with water quality.
K E Y W O R D Sair quality, air-water interface, humidifier, inhalation exposure, PM2.5, water quality While humidifiers offer increased comfort and improved wellbeing by raising humidity indoors, they may also introduce contaminants to indoor air. This is less of a concern with evaporative humidifiers, which release only water and highly volatile compounds into air, but is a possibility with ultrasonic humidifiers, as they create tiny droplets consisting of water and its impurities. Once the water evaporates, the impurities can remain suspended as airborne particles.
| INTRODUCTIONOne of the primary concerns for household humidifiers is their ability to aerosolize pathogenic microbes. 7,8 There is limited information about a humidifier's ability to aerosolize specific minerals, though it is acknowledged that use of waters containing minerals may result in expulsion of "white dust." 1,9,10 This "white dust" was associated with respiratory distress in children if inhaled and was found to be deposited in the lungs of mice exposed to humidifier effluent. 11,12 Ultrasonic humidifiers efficiently aerosolize 85%-90% of dissolved minerals present in the water used to fill the humidifier.
10,13Indoor air quality is not frequently monitored within a household, although individuals spend ~90% of their time indoors 14 and tighter buildings are leading to higher contaminant concentrations and, therefore, increased exposures to inhalable contaminants. 15 Common sources of indoor particles include cooking (eg, frying, grilling, and the use of appliances such as stoves, ovens, microwaves), vacuuming, smoking, using photocopiers and color printers, and burning candles or incense, resulting in increases in particle concentrations 1.5-27 times | 81above background concentrations. [16][17][18] The increased exposure time to indoor air, combined with an ultrasonic humidifier's ability to efficient...