A slightly modified critical-state model was formulated in order to account for the volume-change behaviour at yield and failure observed in triaxial tests on unsaturated soils. Model parameters were specified for two soils (a sandy loam and a loam), each at three different soil-moisture contents. Maximum shear strain was integrated numerically for 36 cylindrical load paths with constant confining pressure (type I) or constant mean normal stress (type 11). Predicted stress-strain relationships for load paths bringing soils from a normally-consolidated to a critical state were compared with stress-strain relationships observed for identical load paths in triaxial tests of the lubricated ends variety.The agreement between predicted and observed maximum shear strain depended on type of load path and soil-moisture content. The model failed to predict maximum shear strain at stress states close to critical. The absolute difference between observed and predicted strain was on average 6 0.05 for deviatoric stresses smaller than 90% of the critical-state values. The comparable maximum differences were 0.11 and 0.07 for load-path types I and 11, respectively. The largest differences were found for the largest soil-moisture contents. The type of load path had a considerable effect on sample distortion, type I giving rise to larger (predicted and observed) maximum shear strain at common stress states.
List of symbolsff3 = 021 f f l 4 = ff1 -0 3 490 b C 1 sc) Ps Pb v = Ps/Pb VO 8 principal (total) stresses deviatoric stress maximum deviatoric stress 690% of expected and observed critical-state q-value mean normal stress maximum p during hydrostatic loading preconsolidation pressure point on the normal-consolidation line (NCL) used as hardening parameter. pn represents the value of p at the intersection of the current yield curve with the p-axis point representing the intersection of the current yield curve with the CSL density of solids dry bulk density specific volume initial specific volume gravimetric water content cV = -(v -vo)/vo volumetric strain 6V increment of specific volume corresponding to stress increment (negative) 6v-2, sv, SE,,, = -sv,/v S€v,p = -6vp/v S E V = 6Ev,e + SEv,p = -Sv/v = (6€, + 2 6 4 gv = -In( 1 -cV) = E, + 26, lo, 1 E, = -(1-lo)/lo 6Ea = -SI/1 a CSEa t = -In( 1 -E,) Y O , r E, = -(r -ro)/ro SE, = -Sr/r t, = -In( 1 -cr) 1 = 1 -exp[(caa CSS 6Es = 6ts,p I elastic and plastic part of bv elastic volumetric strain increment plastic volumetric strain increment volumetric strain increment natural volumetric strain initial and current sample length axial strain axial strain increment natural axial strain initial and current sample radius radial strain radial strain increment natural radial strain G)/21 (plastic) shear strain increment = 2(SEa -6 4 1 3 ns number of stress increments ymax = Ea -E, maximum shear strain 117 118 C. T. Petersen Aymax x N A* r A4Yo Ic difference between observed and predicted ymax slope of normal consolidation line (NCL) on log-linear plot specific volume specified by NCL at p =...