Contribution: This paper presents Agile SoftwareEngineers Stick Together (ASEST+), an improved version of a framework called ASEST that aims to develop team cohesion, leading to better team learning and software engineering student teams. Background: Effective teamwork is crucial for agile software development's success and is, therefore, a key topic of current software engineering education. In previous work, a preliminary proposal for ASEST+ was presented. Here, an improved version, more suitable for agile practice education and considering cohesion antecedents, is described. Intended outcome: A teaching-learning framework to support teamwork in agile software education. Application design: ASEST+ is built around Scrum teams and combines learning strategies to train students in collaborative and technical agile practices. ASEST+ establishes policies for role allocation and team rule agreements to regulate communication and address conflict management agile practices. ASEST+ addresses personality traits, conflict resolution, and task interdependence as the antecedents identified as the most important. Findings: A quasi-experiment showed that the use of ASEST+ significantly increases the students' positive perceptions on team cohesion, team performance and team learning compared with the control group.