Marriage immigration can cause more problems in terms of mental health than other forms of immigration in that it requires considerable cultural and emotional adaptation, even within the family. In addition, in the process of immigration, religion helps maintain identity and adaptation and can lead to discrimination or conflict. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the relationship between the multidimensional religiosity and mental health of immigrant married women. This study critically reviewed domestic and foreign previous studies related to cultural adaptation and mental health of immigrant married women, immigrant married woman and religion, multidimensional religiosity and mental health. And the integrated path model was confirmed using the 'Vulnerability stress model (VSM)', which provides an integrated framework for explaining the relationship between religiosity and the mental health. As a result of the study analyzed the process of responding to stressor challenges, individual pre-dispositions, social health resources, and coping behavior as a route that affects the health status (physical health, psychosocial health, and spiritual health) of married immigrant women. In this route, five components -① Concentration or centrality of religion ② Resources ④ Coping ⑤ Quality of life and well-being -were identified, and domestic research cases were presented for each component. In addition, analysis methods and domestic and domestic religiosity measurements were summarized for each mental health component so that they can be used in religious education and pastoral sites. This study has limitations of a demonstration by conducting an analysis focusing on theoretical search based on previous studies. For further research is needed, Appropriate multicultural family policy intervention based on individual and environmental variables of immigrant married woman was proposed in in-depth research on various mediating factors contributing to the successful adaptation of immigrant married women. In particular, a comparative study on immigrant married men was proposed.