“…- Mortality modeling (Olivieri, 2001; Czernicki, Harewood, and Taht, 2003; Cairns, Blake, and Dowd, 2005; Dowd et al, 2005).
- Reserving and capital (Li and Tsai, 2000; Hürlimann, 2001; Turnbull, 2002; Czernicki, Harewood, and Taht, 2003; Hibbert and Turnbull, 2003; Watson Wyatt, 2003, 2004; Moody's, 2004).
- Various miscellaneous insurance applications, such as modeling asset‐liability management (Jagger and Mehta, 1997; Swiss Re, 2000; Exley, Mehta, and Smith, 2000; Babbel, 2001), embedded options (Jørgensen, 2001), with‐profit guarantees (Hibbert and Turnbull, 2003), the impact of policyholder behavior on insurance company positions (Altschull and Robbins, 2003) and insurance company defaults (Moody's, 2004; Ekström, 2005).