“…For the logged data, with loadings, 0.925, 0.940 and 0.920, which sum to 2.785, hence their normalised values are, 0.332, 0.338 and 0.330. Following the plotting approach described in Beynon et al (2015), with this described weighting process for each university (on each form of data), a constellation coordinate (herein shortened to coordinate) is identified to represent the associated factor in the constellation graph domain. In Figure 1, the eight constellation graphs show the university's considered (labelled with code given in Table A1 in Appendix A) over each factor, University Knowledge Exploitation Activity (UKEA), Staff Spin-out Activity, Non-HEI Owned Spin-out Activity and Graduate Start-up Activity (top to bottom), and whether using original or logged data (left and right).…”