How important is to place limits on specific categories of local public spending in order to prevent municipalities' defaults? In this paper we consider Italian municipalities from 2000 to 2012. We use a logit model to investigate which of the main budget indicators (debt repayments, current budget equilibrium, amount of residuals and personnel costs) is relatively more important in affecting the default probability. Our results suggest that a 10% rise in the share of loan repayment over total spending leads to an increase in default probability by 2.6% on average. These findings are robust to alternative model specifications and the inclusion of fixed effects, time dummies and macroeconomic control variables. Our analysis thus shows that Italian municipalities seem to be on the default path when they are incapable to fully internalThe authors would like to thank participants in the EUROFRAME conference "Balance sheets misalignments: effects and policy implications for the EU economies" (June 2016). We are grateful to Maria Elena Bontempi, Elena Giarda, Roberto Golinelli, Gloria Moroni, Chiara Toscano and two anonymous referees for useful comments and suggestions. Any errors remain our responsibility. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official views of the European Commission. As for precious help in data collection, we are very grateful to Giancarlo Verde, Director of the Local Finance Office, at the Ministry of Interior. Wildmer Daniel Gregori: Part of the work has been done while working at Prometeia Associazione, Via Marconi 43, 40122 Bologna, Italy. ize the effects of issuing new debt today on the current equilibrium of tomorrow. To place limits on specific types of public spending seems to be relatively less important.