Entanglement is known to serve as an order parameter for true topological order in two-dimensional systems. We show how entanglement of disconnected partitions defines topological invariants for one-dimensional topological superconductors. These order parameters quantitatively capture the entanglement that is possible to distill from the ground state manifold, and are thus quantized to 0 or log 2. Their quantization property is inferred from the underlying lattice gauge theory description of topological superconductors, and is corroborated via exact solutions and numerical simulations. Transitions between topologically trivial and non-trivial phases are accompanied by scaling behavior, a hallmark of genuine order parameters, captured by entanglement critical exponents. These order parameters are experimentally measurable utilizing state-of-the-art techniques. Panel b): quadripartite von Neumann entropy S D as a function of µ/t, U/t, at fixed ∆ = 1 and LA = LB = 12. Black lines as from Ref. [22]. The colour plot is obtained via interpolation on a 6 x 8 grid.-that can be distilled from the ground state manifold; (ii) display scaling behavior when approaching quantum phase transitions, and thus allow for the definition of entanglement critical exponents that describe the build-up of non-local quantum correlations across such transitions; (iii) are experimentally measurable in-and out-of-equilibrium utilizing recently introduced [14,15] and demonstrated [25] techniques based on arXiv:1909.04035v1 [cond-mat.supr-con]