We have measured Universal Conductance Fluctuations in the metallic spin glass Ag : M n as a function of temperature and magnetic field. From this measurement, we can access the phase coherence time of the electrons in the spin glass. We show that this phase coherence time increases with both the inverse of the temperature and the magnetic field. From this we deduce that decoherence mechanisms are still active even deep in the spin glass phase.PACS numbers: 75.50.Lk, 75.20.Hr, Spin glasses are one of the most fascinating states of matter. It has attracted the interest of a large community for several decades, as it is one of the most fundamental problem in Condensed Matter Physics [2]. Spin Glass appears when magnetic atoms are randomly diluted in a non-magnetic metallic host. As the spatial distribution is random, so are the rkky interactions between the spins. This leads to a frustration between the magnetic moments and their couplings. It is this interplay between disorder and frustration that leads to the formation of a spin glass below a transition temperature T sg . The very nature of the ground state is still heavily debated and may consist in an unconventional state of matter with remarkable behavior [3]. Transport properties of these metallic spin glasses, however, have not been studied thoroughly. In particular, only very few studies, experimental or theoretical, have addressed the question of the quantum coherence of the electrons in a metallic spin glass, and it is usually taken for granted that, as spins are frozen, inelastic scattering processes due to spins are also frozen and one should recover the coherence time observed in a Fermi liquid.It has been widely recognized that transport measurement can be a powerful tool to probe the quantum coherence in metallic systems [4], and that this concept can be extended to spin glasses [5]. Recently, the interest in quantum transport measurements in spin glasses has been even renewed thank to the idea that this type of measurements could give access to the structure of the ground state of the system [6].In this Letter, we present measurements of Universal Conductance Fluctuations (ucfs) in a metallic spin glass as a function of temperature and magnetic field. From this we deduce the phase coherence time of the electrons; we show it increases as the temperature decreases, in agreement with theoretical predictions. Moreover, from the magnetic field dependence of the decoherence rate, we show that decoherence mechanisms persist deep in the spin glass phase.Samples have been fabricated on a silicon/silicon oxide wafer using standard electron-beam lithography on polymethyl-methacrylate (pmma) resist. Geometry of the sample consists in a long (length L ≈ 2 µm) and thin (width w ≈ 50 nm, thickness t ≈ 40 nm) wire (see inset of figure 1). Several contacts have been put along the wire, in order to measure the resistance over different lengths and to thermalize properly the electrons along the wire. Silver has been evaporated using a dedicated electron gun evaporat...