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© Copyright 2005 City of CincinnatiAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the City of Cincinnati. The research described in this report was conducted within RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment (ISE), a division of the RAND Corporation, for the City of Cincinnati.iii
PrefaceIn 2002, the Cincinnati Police Department entered into a collaborative agreement with other parties in Cincinnati. The collaborative agreement binds the signatories (referred to as "the parties") to a series of reforms and initiatives intended to reduce social strife in the city. This report is the result of a section in the decree that pledges the parties to evaluate whether the agreement is achieving its goals. The RAND Corporation will conduct this evaluation over a five-year period, from June 2004 to the latter part of 2008. This is the first annual report required under the collaborative evaluation. This study will interest Cincinnati residents and public officials. This report may also prove useful to residents and officials in other jurisdictions where similar reform efforts are underway. The City of Cincinnati funded this project on behalf of the parties to the collaborative agreement. Recent RAND works that may be of interest to readers of this report include the following:• Oakland, California (Ridgeway and Riley, 2004).
The RAND Safety and Justice ProgramThis research was conducted under the auspices of the Safety and Justice Program within RAND's Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment Division. The mission of Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment is to improve the development, operation, use, and protection of society's essential man-made and natural assets and to enhance the related social assets of safety and security of individuals in transit and in their workplaces and community. Safety and Justice Program research addresses occupational safety, transportation safety, food safety, and public safety-including violence, policing, corrections, substance abuse, and public integrity.Questions or comments about this report should be sent to the project leader, Jack Riley ( Information about the Safety and Justice Program is available online ( Inquiries about research projects should be made to Andrew Morral, Director (
Summary IntroductionIn 2002, the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD), the Fraternal Order of Police, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) entered into a collaborative agreement. This agreement pledges the signatories to ...