Accountable care organization (ACO) is a formal network of doctors, hospitals, and health care providers that will share the responsibility of providing health care to all the patients enrolled with the ACO (Advisory Board Company, 2010). Accredited hospital is one that demonstrates that the hospital meets the minimal standards for quality developed by The Joint Commission (TJC) or another accrediting agency; this includes monitoring of standards such as infection control standards, medication management standards, and emergency management standards, and so on, as well as measurement of core measures, safe practice measures, and process improvement. Adverse event is an undesired or intended consequence of the care provided (The Joint Commission, 2012). Bar-code medication administration (BCMA) uses bar codes printed on the patient's wristband and the medication packet to determine if the medication is intended for the correct patient. Benchmarking is "the continual and collaborative discipline of measuring and comparing the results of key work processes with those of the best performers in evaluating organizational performance" . Bibliographic databases, such as Medline, provide a basic record, or citation, for an article and often provide an abstract or brief summary, of the article; they do not necessarily contain the complete text of the article itself (Rosenberg & Donald, 1995). Boolean commands are terms such as AND, OR, or NOT that are used to either expand or limit your literature search results when searching the literature in most electronic databases. Clinical intelligence is the electronic aggregation of accurate, relevant, and timely clinical data into meaningful information and actionable knowledge (Harrington, 2011). Collaboration is an interpersonal personal process characterized by health care professionals from multiple disciplines with shared objectives, decision making, responsibility, and power, working together to solve patient care problems (Petri, 2010). Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) allows health care providers to enter orders directly into a computer system. Core accountability measures are standardized performance indicators that allow for comparison of quality measures between organizations. Critical appraisal guide to the literature is essentially a checklist containing questions to ask about key aspects of a study (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). Cross-monitoring is the process of monitoring the actions of other team members for the purpose of sharing the workload and reducing or avoiding errors (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ] TeamSTEPPS. n.d.). Culture of safety refers to the extent to which individuals and groups will commit to personal responsibility for safety; act to preserve, enhance, and communicate safety concerns; strive to actively learn, adapt, and modify both individual and organizational behavior based on 457