Abstract.This study aims to analyze the correlation (N=636) among tertiary students' perceived e-learning acceptance, self-regulation, and MOOC learning effectiveness in Taiwan. Students' perceived e-learning acceptance includes four factors, namely, convenience learning, useful learning, interesting learning, and technology learning. Self-regulated learning includes four factors, namely, goal-setting, self-efficacy, effectiveness, and self-evaluation. MOOC learning effectiveness includes four factors, namely, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, perceived satisfaction, and perceived openness. Analysis was conducted using the structural equation modeling (SEM), and a good model fit was found for both the measurement and structural models. Research findings demonstrate that tertiary students' e-learning acceptance significantly and directly influences MOOC learning effectiveness. E-learning acceptance significantly and indirectly influences MOOC learning effectiveness by self-regulation. Tertiary school students' e-learning acceptance and self-regulated learning fit the influence model and empirical data of MOOC learning effectiveness.