Highlights • The COVID-19 pandemic has increased risk factors associated with family violence. • In Canada, we do not know whether the pandemic has exacerbated the risk of child maltreatment. • Recommendations to strengthen our surveillance and research framework for child maltreatment include the addition of questions about maltreatment to national surveys on health and victimization, for example, in the upcoming Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth. • Robust surveillance and research on child maltreatment provide crucial information on trends over time among subgroups, generate hypotheses to be tested and interventions to be evaluated and implemented. • Strengthening our maltreatment surveillance and research framework will support our commitments to end violence against all children.This aligns with the priorities of the Minister of Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). 13 We suggest a multi-pronged approach to child maltreatment surveillance and research that addresses not only our lack of knowledge during the pandemic, but more broadly, shortcomings in family violence information in Canada.