. Cardiac microimpedance measurement in two-dimensional models using multisite interstitial stimulation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 290: H1976 -H1987, 2006. First published December 22, 2005 doi:10.1152/ajpheart.01180.2005.-We analyzed central interstitial potential differences during multisite stimulation to assess the feasibility of using those recordings to measure cardiac microimpedances in multidimensional preparations. Because interstitial current injected and removed using electrodes with different proximities allows modulation of the portion of current crossing the membrane, we hypothesized that multisite interstitial stimulation would give rise to central interstitial potential differences that depend on intracellular and interstitial microimpedances, allowing measurement of those microimpedances. Simulations of multisite stimulation with fine and wide spacing in two-dimensional models that included dynamic membrane equations for guinea pig ventricular myocytes were performed to generate test data ץ( o). Isotropic interstitial and intracellular microimpedances were prescribed for one set of simulations, and anisotropic microimpedances with unequal ratios (intracellular to interstitial) along and across fibers were prescribed for another set of simulations. Microimpedance measurements were then obtained by making statistical comparisons between ץ o values and interstitial potential differences from passive bidomain simulations (⌬ o) in which a wide range of possible microimpedances were considered. Possible microimpedances were selected at 25% increments. After demonstrating the effectiveness of the overall method with microimpedance measurements using one-dimensional test data, we showed microimpedance measurements within 25% of prescribed values in isotropic and anisotropic models. Our findings suggest that development of microfabricated devices to implement the procedure would facilitate routine measurement as a component of cardiac electrophysiological study. bidomain modeling; virtual electrode; simulation; ventricular myocyte MATHEMATICAL MODELING of cardiac electrical activity has provided important insights into mechanisms for arrhythmia initiation, maintenance, and termination. Since the presentation of the landmark phase II membrane equations by Luo and Rudy in 1994 (33), detailed representations of sarcolemmal currents, ion diffusion, excitation-contraction coupling, and intracellular signaling have been systematically integrated into species-, disease-, and region-dependent mathematical models for the isolated myocyte (1,3,36,37,41,52,59). The detail in these membrane equations is a consequence, primarily, of the extensive quantitative data available from single-cell electrophysiological studies. Strategies for careful positioning of myocytes with cellular and subcellular resolution into structural models have also been described. Resulting meshes incorporate details of the cellular architecture available from histological (22, 50, 53) and imaging (43, 49, 56) data.Specification o...