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AbstractIn this paper, we study the e ectiveness of environmental information disclosure as a regulatory instrument. In particular we analyze its impact when environmental regulation is already advanced. Using German stock market data, we are able to identify the impact of the European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) on the market value of listed rms using a Multivariate Regression Model (MVRM). First, we show that the publication of EPER data leads to negative abnormal returns of the respective listed rms in Germany. Second, we study drivers of these abnormal returns. Here, we nd that the rms' individual level of non-carbon emissions can explain the observed changes in market valuation, while carbon dioxide emissions do not seem to be punished by the market. Moreover, we include information on voluntarily provided environmental reports and nd that these reports can serve as a substitute to the obligatory register. JEL Classi cation: G14, L51, Q52