We perform a model independent analysis of the helicity amplitudes at high energy for all the 2 → 2 scattering processes involving gauge and Higgs bosons in the presence of anomalous W W V , W W V V , V V H, V V HH (V ≡ Z, γ and W ± ), HHHH and HHH interactions. We obtain the perturbative unitarity constraints on anomalous couplings by demanding the vanishing of terms proportional to s 2 and s 3/2 in the helicity amplitudes. Using these constraints, we also compute the upper bound on all the anomalous couplings from terms linear in s.Further, assuming all anomalous couplings to have arisen only from dimension six operators, we show that the perturbative unitarity violation can be evaded up to ∼ 9 TeV corresponding to the best fit values of fW W /Λ 2 and fBB/Λ 2 from the combined analysis of Tevatron and LHC data.