The galaxy cluster Zwicky 3146 is a sloshing cool core cluster at z = 0.291 that in X-ray imaging does not appear to exhibit significant pressure substructure in the intracluster medium (ICM). The published M 500 values range between 3.88 +0.62 −0.58 to 22.50 ± 7.58 × 10 14 M , where ICM-based estimates with reported errors < 20% suggest that we should expect to find a mass between 6.53 +0.44 −0.44 × 10 14 M (from Planck, with an 8.4σ detection) and 8.52 +1.77 −1.47 × 10 14 M (from ACT, with a 14σ detection). This broad range of masses is suggestive that there is ample room for improvement for all methods. Here, we investigate the ability to estimate the mass of Zwicky 3146 via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect with data taken at 90 GHz by MUSTANG-2 to a noise level better than 15 µK at the center, and a cluster detection of 104σ. We derive a pressure profile from our SZ data which is in excellent agreement with that derived from X-ray data. From our SZ-derived pressure profiles, we infer M 500 and M 2500 via three methods -Y -M scaling relations, the virial theorem, and hydrostatic equilibrium -where we employ X-ray constraints from XMM-Newton on the electron density profile when assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. Depending on the model and estimation method, our M 500 estimates range from 6.23 ± 0.59 to 10.6 ± 0.95 × 10 14 M , where our estimate from hydrostatic equilibrium, is 8.29 +1.93 −1.24 (±19.1% stat) +0.74 −0.68 (±8.6% sys, calibration) ×10 14 M . Our fiducial mass, derived from a Y -M relation is 8.16 +0.44 −0.54 (±5.5% stat) +0.46 −0.43 (±5.5% sys, Y -M ) +0.59 −0.55 (±7.0% sys, cal.) ×10 14 M . We investigate the consistency of our mass estimates and potential for otherwise unaddressed systematic errors within the MUSTANG-2 data. The inconsistencies among our mass estimates are not well explained by a potential systematic error in the MUSTANG-2 data.