Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the current status of transformational leadership behavior (TLB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and to investigate the mediating effect of social capital on the relationship between TLB and OCB in hospital nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study design was used with a convenience sample of 219 nurses from two university-affiliated teaching hospitals in South Korea. Results: The survey instruments measured TLB, OCB, and social capital. Data were analyzed using t-tests, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Baron and Kenny's regression method. The average level of TLB was 3.13 points, for OCB 3.64 points, and for social capital 3.24 points in social capital. Positive correlations were found between TLB, OCB, and social capital. Hospital nurses' social capital showed a significant mediating effect on the relationship between TLB and OCB. Conclusion: Findings indicate that TLB is a contributing factor to better OCB, and TLB can lead to improved OCB through social capital. Interventions to improve social capital of nurses in health-care organizations have important implications for OCB improvement. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc/3.0), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
INTRODUCTIONAs the largest health profession, the nurse workforce plays an important role in the delivery of quality healthcare services and productivity in health-care organizations. Nursing is the profession that interacts the most closely with clients in the health-care sector, and therefore, requires the cooperation of health-care staff, reciprocal communication, and team work [1]. Currently, some cooperative behaviors have emerged among co-workers in hospital organizations and these behaviors have gradually gained much more importance. The organization members perform these behaviors during their fulfillment of organizational roles in order to improve healthy work environments [2]. Organization citizenship behavior (OCB) is one type of extra role behaviors, which increases tendencies towards helping and sharing information, promoting a feeling of conscience, tolerance, and praising the institution [3]. OCB comprises positive social behaviors that increase the efficiency of an organization as a whole. Moreover, OCB is characterized as the behavior of individuals in an organization and defined as extra role behaviors, rather than defined roles and responsibilities [4]. These are behaviors displayed voluntarily by workers, dependent on their personal choice, without a written obligation, and they are not clearly indicated in the agreement of an organization and are not required by a job description [4]; therefore, negligence in these behaviors does not bring any penalty.For these reasons, OCB is essential for establishing more reciprocal communication and cooper...