In modern controller design, various solutions for controlling power converter systems can be found depending on their applications, speed of working, pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques, switching frequencies—fc, and different load types. The need to manipulate control parameters can be often observed in classical structures, e.g., well-known PID, repetitive, or deadbeat control particularly sensitive to distinct parameters uncertainties. The purpose of this paper is to present an improved version of controllers designated for a UPS that will be considerably resistant to model changes. Proposed control techniques are independent of unexpected output filter changes: Lf—filter coil inductance and Cf—filter capacitor conductance. The second aspect of this paper is to compare effectiveness of modified predictive MPC (model-predictive control) and feedback PBC (passivity-based control) controllers in reducing output voltage total harmonic distortion (THD) for various load values. The biggest distortions of output voltage were observed during experiments with nonlinear RC load. Both simulation and experimental verification of mismatching parameters were performed and examined. Thanks to the proposed solution, the output voltage THDv quality factor was reduced below 8% in an efficient way for all the applied loads and stayed at the level of 1% when well-matched filter parameters were provided.