“…In accordance with the multi-dimensionality of the notion of energy security, numerous contributions to the literature have developed and employed quantitative measures to capture diverse resource economic aspects, with BLUM and LEGEY (2012), JANSEN and SEEBREGTS (2010), LÖSCHEL et al (2010), LEFÈVRE (2010LEFÈVRE ( , 2007, LE COQ andPALTSEVA (2009), FRONDEL andSCHMIDT (2008), SCHEEPERS et al (2006SCHEEPERS et al ( , 2007, GRUBB et al (2006), CONSTANTINI et al (2007), NEUMANN (2007, 2004), and JANSEN et al (2004 being among the most recent studies. While we find the work of JANSEN et al (2004) particularly inspiring, the present article suggests an alternative concept that is based on HERFINDAHL's (1950) concentration index, rather than SHANNON's (1948) diversity measure, thereby conceiving a risk indicator instead of a measure of supply 1 While the notion of absolute scarcity focuses on the potential exhaustion of resources such as oil or gas, relative scarcity denotes transient resource shortages, for instance due to missing supply capacities.…”