Livestock production impacts environmental water quality related to its waste product. This research cinducted to determine water quality around the Bligon goat pen in Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Province. Water quality measurements were conducted in upland, lowland, and coastal zones. Water was collected from 15 Bligon goat farmers' wells (< 10 m from the pen and > 10 m from other sources of contamination), which is usually consumed as drinking water. The physical quality test of water included pH, Nitrite (NO2-N), Iron (Fe), Flouride (F), Chloride (Cl), Hardness (CaCO3), Nitrate (NO3-N), Organic Substances (KmnO4). The biological quality test was Total coliform and e-coli. One-way ANOVA was used to analysed obtanined data. Water quality in the three agroecological zones was not different, and only CaCO3 content was different (P <0.05) between the upland, lowland, and coastal zones, 230. 75±46.22; 191.59±53.39; and 141.29±47.78 mg/L. The total coliform and e-coli levels in the upland, lowland, and coastal zones are 1600.00±0.00 and 220.00±80.31; 1324.00±617.15 and 218.00±92.03; 1306.00±657.40 and 822.60±733.36 MPN/100ml. It can be concluded that the biological quality of water around the Bligon Goat pen in Bantul Regency exceeds the standard, while the physical quality is still below the standard required by the Yogyakarta provincial government.