Jesus, and Holy Spirit to guide me along this journey. I had no intention to obtain a PhD, but God had other plans, and I'm so glad that I yielded to his will and perfect way. Secondly, I must acknowledge the HOPE participants for giving their time and knowledge. Next, I extend gratitude for the love and support of my family, friends, and colleagues. Mama and daddy, I can't express how much I praise God for your unconditional love and support (mental, spiritual, and financial…). Without you I would not be the woman (or nurse) I am today. I would like to thank Dr. Keela Herr for her motherly patience and scholarly guidance over these years. The kindness, knowledge, and opportunities you've given me are much appreciated, and I could not have chosen a better PhD mentor. Thank you for allowing me to pursue my passion and for respecting my perspective. I admire your research and look forward to working with on future projects. To my co-mentor, Dr. Toni Tripp-Reimer, your one-on-one mentorship has been invaluable and always interesting. You challenged me to think critically and differently as you played "devil's advocate," and this has allowed me to grow as a scholar and emerging leader. I'm glad to say that I was one of your students, and I believe that I've had the best mentoring team in you and Keela. To my informal mentors, Drs. Tamara Baker and Janette Taylor. As successful African American women and academic scholars, I admire your journey and research abilities. Your advice, encouragement, and prayers have truly helped me through this program. I'm so thankful that God has forever connected me with you both. v Ms. Valerie Garr, my MNA advisor and trusted advocate, I can't even express how your encouragement and mentorship has helped me over the past five years. Your dedication to ethnically diverse students surpasses anything that I've seen before. The wisdom and knowledge I've received from you has given me a "new" foundation and launching point to continue advocacy work on behalf of ethnic nursing students and nurses. I wish you all the best, and I'm so glad God placed you in my life.