The study of the production traits of 22 genotypes of fattening pigs was
carried out on two pig farms (Farm A and Farm B) in Central Serbia, under
the influence of the following factors: farm, genotype and sex of fattening
pigs, and pre-slaughter weight. The characteristics of fattening animals
included in the research are: warm carcass side growth (WCSG); bacon
thickness - rump (FTR); bacon thickness - back (FTB); bacon thickness - rump
+ back (FTRB); meat yield - carcass sides (JUSKG) and meat yield in
percentage (JUSPRO), as well as weight and ratio of French dressing in warm
carcass sides (FDKG and FDPRO). Animals of both sexes were used in the trial
(female non-castrated rats and surgically castrated males). Total of 1166
fattening animals were included in the trials. Statistical data processing
was performed using the Harvey software package. All included factors in the
used models show a highly statistically significant effect on the variation
of fattening traits (P<0.01; P<0.001). Animals of genotype DxSL (44.97%) had
the highest share of meat in carcass sides, and animals of genotype SL
(44.63%) for the trait JUSPRO, while for the trait FDPRO the highest value
was recorded for the genotype DXSL (54.45%). In our study, animals of the
genotypes (HxD)x(WxD) and Dx(WxD) had the highest values for bacon thickness
- 39.95 and 38.32 mm, respectively, which implies lower share of meat in the
carcasses. By calculating the genetic and phenotypic correlations, we came
to the conclusion that the phenotypic correlation of the carcass side traits
was of different strength (from very weak to complete) and different sign,
while the genetic correlations were stronger than the phenotypic, so the
genetic correlations between the bacon thicknesses FTB and FTR were
complete, and between meat yield and traits FTB and FTR complete and