Biomedical texts provide important data for investigating drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in the field of pharmacovigilance. Although researchers have attempted to investigate DDIs from biomedical texts and predict unknown DDIs, the lack of accurate manual annotations significantly hinders the performance of machine learning algorithms. In this study, a new DDI prediction framework, Subgraph Enhance model, was developed for DDI (SubGE-DDI) to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. This model uses drug pairs knowledge subgraph information to achieve large-scale plain text prediction without many annotations. This model treats DDI prediction as a multi-class classification problem and predicts the specific DDI type for each drug pair (e.g. Mechanism, Effect, Advise, Interact and Negative). The drug pairs knowledge subgraph was derived from a huge drug knowledge graph containing various public datasets, such as DrugBank, TwoSIDES, OffSIDES, DrugCentral, EntrezeGene, SMPDB (The Small Molecule Pathway Database), CTD (The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database) and SIDER. The SubGE-DDI was evaluated from the public dataset (SemEval-2013 Task 9 dataset) and then compared with other state-of-the-art baselines. SubGE-DDI achieves 83.91% micro F1 score and 84.75% macro F1 score in the test dataset, outperforming the other state-of-the-art baselines. These findings show that the proposed drug pairs knowledge subgraph-assisted model can effectively improve the prediction performance of DDIs from biomedical texts.