Aluminium metal-matrix composites are widely produced with different ceramic compounds as reinforcements to enhance their properties and to suit various structural applications. The present work involves the fabrication of Al7075 composites with silicon carbide (SiC) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as reinforcements through stir casting. Four specimens were produced with different compositions comprising SiC (3, 5, 7 and 9 w/%) and Al2O3 2 w/% in all the combinations. Mechanical properties like ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS), percentage of elongation (% of elongation) and hardness (VHN) were examined, along with fractography studies. The microstructural characterization of the composites was also studied through micrographs obtained from the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The test results revealed that the increase in the w/% fractions of the reinforcement materials caused an increase in the tensile strength, yield strength and hardness of the aluminium composite, except for the % of elongation, which is reduced with the addition of ceramic particles.Kompoziti s kovinsko osnovo iz aluminija se pogosto izdelujejo z razli~nimi kerami~nimi spojinami kot oja~itveno fazo, in s tem postanejo uporabni za izdelavo razli~nih strukturnih aplikacij. V pri~ujo~i raziskavi so avtorji izdelali kompozite na osnovi Al zlitine 7075 z dodatkom delcev silicijevega karbida (SiC) in aluminijevega oksida (Al2O3) kot oja~itveno fazo med preme{avanjem taline. Izdelali so {tiri vzorce z razli~no vsebnostjo SiC (3, 5, 7 in 9 w/%) in v vseh primerih {e z dodatkom 2 w/% Al2O3. Dolo~ili so mehanske lastnosti izdelanih kompozitov -natezno trdnost pri pretrgu (UTS), mejo plasti~nosti (YS), raztezek (%) in trdoto (VHN). Nato so izvedli {e analize prelomov (fraktografijo) nateznih preizku{ancev s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM). Rezultati preiskav so pokazali, da pove~anje dodatka oja~itvene faze v obliki kerami~nih delcev povzro~i zvi{anje natezne trdnosti, meje plasti~nosti in trdote, zmanj{a pa se raztezek. Klju~ne besede: metoda litja s preme{avanjem, hibridni kompoziti, mehanske lastnosti in mikrostruktura