In the present investigation, the protector against sulfate corrosion of reinforcing steel AISI 1018, which provides the Eco-friendly Concrete system CPC-SCBA-SF, was evaluated. This system was made with CPC-SCBA-SF cementitious materials, in percentages of 90-5-5 and 80-10-10 respectively, with exposure of the concrete specimens to a 3.5% MgSO4 solution, an experimental arrangement that simulates the foundations of Civil Works such as bridges, buildings, pavements, etc.; in soils contaminated with sulfates. The design of the concrete mixtures was in accordance with the ACI 211.1 method. The behavior of the corrosion potential Ecorr and the corrosion rate (icorr) of the AISI 1018 steel embedded in Conventional Concrete (CC) and in the EC were evaluated during a period of 180 days of exposure to an aggressive environment. The Ecorr values indicate between a 10% risk of corrosion and uncertainty, according to the ASTM C-876-15 standard, but the icorr indicates a negligible level of corrosion but with a tendency towards the activation of the system, with the eco-friendly concrete EC-20 having the best performance.