“…Specic processes, such as stress, stretching, and shearing, occur simultaneously during exural testing. 612 The exural test of JFRCs has been carried out using UTM, 5,362,377,379,381 Hounseld UTM, 41,354,361,613 Zwick/ Roell Z005, 350 Zwick/Roell Z010, 336,443,542 Zwick Z020, 182 Instron 4303, 361,441 Instron 3382, 539 Instron 1195, 550 Mecmesin, 609 Shimadzu AGS-J, 546 Shimadzu AUTOGRAPH AG-G Series, 339 and LLOYD LR30K 341 machines. The sample dimensions for the exural test were obtained according to the ASTM D790, 5,41,99, 153,[313][314][315]317,336,339,[341][342][343]350,357,[361][362][363]368,[377][378][379]381,390,392,441,443,539,542,546,608…”