This paper presents the production of carbon-fiber-fabric-reinforced laminated composites based on a polyamide 6 matrix using a multiple-stages technique that involves polymer dissolution in formic acid followed by fabric impregnation and high-temperature pressing. The polyamide/solvent ratio's influence on the interface and mechanical properties is discussed, analyzing three PA6 weight contents of (10, 20, and 30) % in a formic acid solvent. The mechanical behavior of the obtained laminated composites is evaluated using tensile and 3-point bending tests and the fracture cross-section is analyzed using microscopy investigation techniques in order to evaluate the fiber-matrix interface and the composite fracture mechanism. The results show that the best mechanical performance is obtained when using a solution of 20 % mass fraction of polyamide in formic acid, as this leads to the formation of a uniform polymer layer that is able to completely embed the fibers that constitute the fabric and create a strong mechanical interface within the composite. Keywords: polyamide 6, carbon fiber, mechanical properties, polymer/solvent ratio, mechanical interfacê lanek predstavlja izdelavo laminatnega kompozita na osnovi poliamida 6, oja~anega s tkanino iz ogljikovih vlaken, z uporabo ve~stopenjske tehnike, ki vklju~uje raztapljanje poliamida v mravljin~ni kislini ter impregnacijo tkanine in stiskanje pri visoki temperaturi. Razlo`en je vpliv razmerja poliamid/topilo na stik in mehanske lastnosti, z analizo treh masnih vsebnosti PA6 (10, 20, 30) % v mravljin~ni kislini. Mehansko obna{anje dobljenega laminiranega kompozita je ocenjeno z nateznim preizkusom in s 3-to~kovnim upogibnim preizkusom, presek preloma pa je analiziran z mikroskopsko tehniko, da bi ocenili stik z vlaknato osnovo in mehanizem preloma kompozita. Rezultati ka`ejo, da je najbolj{a mehanska zmogljivost dose`ena pri uporabi raztopine z 20 % masnim dele`em poliamida v mravljin~ni kislini, ker to povzro~i nastanek enakomernega polimernega sloja, ki lahko popolnoma obda vlakna tkanine in ustvari mo~an mehanski stik v kompozitu. Klju~ne besede: poliamid 6, ogljikovo vlakno, mehanske lastnosti, razmerje polimer/topilo, mehanski stik