High-density nanocrystalline (n-) Au was prepared by the gas deposition method. Various anelastic and plastic creep processes associated with the grain boundary (GB) regions were observed. The vibrating reed measurements at 10 2 Hz with strain amplitude of 10 À6 show a very broad internal friction peak near 95 K, Q À1 p,95 K , and a steep increase in the anelastic strain above 200 K, " a-I,>200 K . The tensile tests show a steep increase in the anelastic strain above 200 K, " a-II,>200 K , for the stress beyond a few MPa and a linear plastic creep strain above 200 K, " pc-1 , for stress range between 30 MPa and 150 MPa. The activation parameters, 1= 0 of 3 Â 10 11 s À1 and E of 0.16 eV, are found for Q À1 p,95 K , where 0 and E are a pre-exponential factor and an activation energy of the relaxation time . We surmise that simple relaxation processes are responsible for Q À1 p,95 K . The values of 1= 0 and E found for " a-I,>200 K and " a-II,>200 K decrease with increasing the applied stress or the temperature, indicating that their atomic processes are the same feather. Further, E found for " pc-1 is similar to or slightly smaller than that of " a-II,>200 K . These observations indicate that the atomic motions in the GB regions of n-Au develop in scale in the order of the underlying processes for " a-I,>200 K , " a-II,>200 K and " pc-1 , and are so different from those in the conventional polycrystalline Au.