Investigators all around the globe are making unrivaled concrete by varying the proportions and admixtures. Fiber-reinforced concrete has various applications in structural components. Some of the fibers like glass, carbon, polypropylene, and aramid fibers give an improvement in generous properties like hardened, durability, stiffness, toughness, shrinkage. The purpose of this research is to investigate the properties of glass fiber reinforced high-performance concrete (GFRHC) for arriving high-performance trail mixes are prepared with cement replacement with silica fume (SF) ranging from 0% to 25%. An optimum mix is chosen in that constant 1.15 % cement is replicate with nano-silica. For that optimized mix along with nano-silica, glass fibers are induced at 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% by weight of cement. 100×100×100mm cube moulds, cylinder moulds of 100×200mm, and beam moulds of 100×100×500 mm are prepared and cured for 7, 28 days then hardened strength are evaluated. The result shows that at 10% replacement of cement with silica fume at constant w/b ratio 0.31 shown 59.06 Mpa for Mix-3 and at 2% addition of glass fibers shows the 69.4Mpa, 9.57 Mpa, and 7.91 Mpa of compressive strength, split tensile strength, and modulus of rupture for Mix-8. The quality of concrete of all the mixes are is excellent at 2% addition of glass fiber UPV value is 5281m/s.