Aluminium and its alloys find their application in aerospace, automobile, and marine sectors as it costs less and properties like low density, good ductility, high resistance to corrosion etc. However, aluminium has many drawbacks like low resistance to abrasion and wear, poor strength etc. These drawbacks can be overcome by adding certain materials as reinforcement into pure aluminium and its alloy. Hybrid reinforcement imbibes superior properties to Al matrix composites, compared along with single reinforced Al composites. The properties of Al matrix composite is enhanced by reinforcing with nano particles compared to micro reinforcement. In recent years, research advancement is focusing on fabrication of composites prepared by nano reinforcement materials. Various nano materials are used to fabricate aluminium/alloy matrix composites for improved abrasion, enhanced wear properties, high specific strength, better corrosion resistance etc. This review paper gives an overview of various processing techniques, different nano reinforcements used for fabrication of aluminium and its alloy matrix. Further, Hybrid Nano composite properties along with their types, concentration of reinforcement and microstructure of the composite fabricated are discussed. Finally, Future trends and potential applications of aluminium based nano composites are presented and have been concluded with recent advancements in the specified area.