This workshop was designed and coordinated under Fish and Wildlife Contract Number FWS-1 4-1 6-0009-78-006. The workshop agenda and format were enhanced by the contributions of the Workshop Advisory Committee whose names are listed at the back of this document. Regional Pollution Response Coordinators ably served as moderators for the workshop sessions. These individuals are also listed at the back of this document. Special recognition is due Warren T. Olds, Jr., Chief, Division of Ecological Services, for his closing remarks at the workshop banquet. The Environmental Coastal Pollution Cleanup Services, Inc. is acknowledged for its demonstration of spill cleanup equipment. Special thanks are due the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety School, Yorktown, Virginia, for assistance in developing training materials for the workshop. Consumer Dynamics, Inc., contractor to the Fish and Wildlife Service, provided logistics support, assisted in facilitating the workshop sessions, and compiled these proceedings. VI I NEW ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION I call your attention to three significant pieces of legislation. The first is the proposed regulations for the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. These regulations are related to the new water policy containing planning principles and standards backed by President Carter. After months and months of effort, the proposed regulations were signed yesterday by the Secretary of Commerce. The Secretary of the Interior signed them one week ago. These regulations concentrate on the equal consideration of fish and wildlife in water resource development projects. The regulations emphasize the use of habitat productivity as the indicator of resource value and the variable by which we measure whether appropriate mitigation is being offered. No longer can we accept a single measure of hunting and fishing as a measure of the fish and wildlife habitat value.