This paper presents a three-dimensional analytical model for studying the shape and the pressure of ferrofluid seals submitted to intense magnetic fields produced by permanent magnet ironless structures. This three-dimensional analytical approach is based on the exact calculation of the magnetic field components created by ring permanent magnets whose polarizations are either radial or axial. We assume that the ferromagnetic particles of the ferrofluid are saturated and the static behaviour of the ferrofluid seal depends on both the magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets and the saturation magnetization of the ferrofluid particles. In our applications, ferrofluid seals are always submitted to very high magnetic fields. Consequently, the accurate knowledge of the ferrofluid seal shape as well as the magnetic pressure inside the ferrofluid seal is very useful for the design of devices using both permanent magnets and ferrofluid seals. It is emphasized here that our structures are completely ironless and thus, there are no iron-base piston for these structures. Then, this paper makes a review of the main structures using ring permanent magnets and ferrofluid seals. For each ironless structure, the shape and the pressure of the ferrofluid seals are determined. To our knowledge, this way of characterizing the static behaviour of ferrofluid seals submitted to intense magnetic fields appears for the first time in the literature. Indeed, we think that a three-dimensional analytical model is interesting for such a study because it is simple to use and has a very low computational cost.