Adequate mechanical responses are decisive features for novel superconductor materials, ideally enabling their machinability and conformability capacities to produce practical devices. The recently developed polycrystalline Bi4O4S3 superconductor was prepared following a two-step solid state reaction. Grains consisted of lamellae, ∼5 μm in the planar orientation and 100–500 nm thick, presenting a tetragonal crystalline structure. The mechanical and tribological properties of the millimeter-size samples were investigated at the nanoscale using varied testing routines. Indentation hardness was about 1.6 GPa, whereas elastic modulus was 50–53 GPa. At the nanometer scale, cracks were visible through all the surface, possibly due to the structural inherent features of the material. On the other hand, it disclosed ductile-like plastic deformation features under normal loading and scratch tests up to 100 mN, as predicted by the index of plasticity H/E* ≈ 0.3. In these tests, the BiS2-based material presented some limited strain hardening, but with the absence of load-induced fractures.