Special features of plastic torsion strain of cylindri cal samples of nanostructural technically pure VT1 0 titanium (produced by combination of longitudinal and transverse screw rolling [1]; elemental content is shown in the table) at room temperature and the effect of severe plastic strain that has propagated as a local ized shear band through a sample are studied in the present work. The microstructure of the alloy studied in detail in [1, 2] is a grain-subgrain mixture charac terized by an average size of the microstructural ele ments of about 220 nm with a nonequilibrium coeffi cient (the ratio between grain width and length mea sured on a plane cross section) of about 0.35. The amount of high angle boundaries in the spectrum of grain boundary distribution of the structural elements is approximately 78%.Rod shaped samples 6 mm in diameter and 200 mm in length were studied. Lines were drawn on the sur face parallel to the sample axis. One end of the sample was clamped in a rotating spindle of a turning lathe, while the other was fixed in an immobile bearing. The sample was turned by rotation of the spindle at differ ent angular velocities in the range of 25-250 rpm (2.6-26 rad/s).Studies of microstructure were performed by scan ning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on FEI Quanta 200 3D and Tecnai G2 F20 S TWIN setups, respectively.Samples for microhardness measurements and SEM and TEM studies were cut out by an electro erosion machine tool. After preliminary mechanical thinning to a thickness of about 0.1-0.2 mm (the process is final ized on fine abrasive paper with graininess of 1000) thin foils for TEM were produced by jet polishing on Ten uPol 5 set up. The electrolyte composition was 20% HClO 4 + 80% CH 3 CO 2 H. Microhardness was mea sured on a DM 8 AFFRI device under 100 g load.It was found that, instead of quasi uniform torsion strain propagating through entire sample or strain localization in one or several places up to fracture, which is usually observed in coarse grained metal materials, an unusual phenomenon is found: propaga tion by torsion of narrow localized deformation band through a sample, which can be seen by the naked eye. First, a local plastic torsion flow zone shaped as a band of about one diameter of the sample forms in some random place in the sample. Once formed, this zone begins moving along the cylindrical specimen, simul taneously contracting to less than a millimeter width. This band propagates at a velocity of several millime ters per second in one of the directions of the sample axis. In addition, beyond the band, the strain rate is almost zero before and after the band propagation. The process is similar to Luders-Chernov band devel opment; however, it has considerable differences. Fig ure 1 shows an image of a cylindrical sample after hav ing stopped during the test. The observed changes in Abstract-The first findings on the effect of propagation of localized deformation bands during torsion of nanostructured technically pure VT1 0 titanium...