Refractory materials based on high-melting metal oxides mainly contain two condensed phases; amorphous and crystalline.The mechanical behavior of refractories at high temperatures is determined by the individual properties of these phases, their concentration, interaction, and the spatial distribution.The large number of factors which affect the thermomechanical properties of heterogeneous systems make it extremely difficult to analyze and understand the processes of deformation of actual refractory articles and structures.We have studied some of the mechanical properties of corundum specimens modified by a small amount of glass phase.The specimens were prepared from alumina fired at 1750~ (99.8% A1203") with a binder consisting of alkali-free aluminoborosilicate glass (54.0% Si02, 4.5%Mg0, 16.3% CaO, < 0.3% Fe203, 9.4% B=O3, 14.8% A1203, and < 0.5% R20) and a combined addition of MgO, CaO, and SiO= added as magnesium and calcium chlorides and silicic acid [i]. The glass was obtained from the Merefyansk Glass Plant in the form of 15-mm diameter spheres which were then milled to a particle size of ~ 50 ~m. The amount of glass in the specimens of the first type (AE) was 3, 6, and 10% (AE-3, AE-6, and AE-IO).From the mixed powder, we pressed prisms measuring 20 x 25 x 120 mm which were fired at 1580~ with a dwell of 6 h. Specimens of the second type (AK) contained 3% of additives calculated as the metal oxides.They were cut from articles manufactured by slip casting [i]. The properties of the glass-nrystal materials obtained are given in Table i. The open porosity of the specimens was nil.The finest crystallization was found in the AE-10 specimen, in which the corundum grains were round and isometric in shape and were surrounded by continuous films of the glass phase. The AE-3 and AE-6 specimens had a nonuniform grainy structure consisting of prismatic crystals measuring 1-2 ~m and glass.The microstructure of the AK ceramic is characterized by the presence of isometric corundum crystals of a comparatively large size relative to the other specimens. Judging from the size of the HF-insoluble residue, the amount of glass observed was the same as the specified amount.